
Why on earth would <name redacted> want to start a business selling protest t-shirts and stickers? Anyone who knows <name redacted> knows she isn’t all that great with confrontation. But one day she was not doom scrolling, really she wasn’t, and she came across this fabulous store that sells voo doo dolls. <name redacted> got thinking about how great it would be to stick pins in one. Then <name redacted> got to thinking about who she’d want to stick pins in, and well….

Instead of falling into a pit of despair <name redacted> thought that maybe some lemonade could be made out of lemons after all. <name redacted> thinks that a lot of things happened because there are a lot of people out there who can’t tell fact from fake news. The former, current, and next generation have all proved that they have the critical thinking skill of dodo bird but there may be hope for future generations.

Not being a greedy greed head, <name redacted> thought that giving 50% of net profits to The News Literacy Project would be a good thing to do. So that is going to happen. You can see the accounting all works out in the Financial Transparency page. Honestly, the good that could be done if greedy greed heads could use their money for good instead of buying presidents. Really.